Summer has flown by it seems. Life is still moving pretty fast for us here. The wedding turned out beautiful. The newlyweds are doing wonderful. They're back to work and enjoying their new life.
I took some time to relax and catch my breath. I still haven't caught up on DLP and am not sure if I will until winter gets here. I've been trying to keep up with Listers Gotta List and have caught up so far. I am planning to go back and do the month of April and I will have all of the months. I'm really loving the idea of it and the fact that it's like journaling but doesn't take too long at all.
My cousin gave up her crown on July 4th. She's so gorgeous. We attended the Ball. I made her scrapbook for her year as queen in 3 days. It was a lot of fun. Her dress was gorgeous.
Her Mom and I are very close and enjoy spending time doing girly things. We took a girls trip after the wedding and had a great time.
Jenn and I at her bridal shower in Biloxi. It was so nice. They did the cake in the shape of a dress with white icing cupcakes. I'll share more photos later, so many in this post.
Randy and I before we left the hotel for the wedding. I wanted a photo of me with my makeup on since it was an outdoor wedding and it was 97 degrees that day. The wedding was at 6:00 p.m. and it was so humid. July in the south isn't a great time to be outdoors.
I love this photo. She was so nervous. She didn't want to walk out in front of all those people. There were well over 100 people there and it didn't hit her until this moment that she had to walk down the aisle and say her own written vows in front of all of them. I was fixing her veil and hair comb for her and trying to tell her it was going to be ok.
She was beautiful. When I saw them walking I started crying so the waterproof mascara was a must. He was smiling from the time he walked out. When she saw the groom that's all she looked at. He of course was crying from the moment he saw her. This was the first time he saw her in the dress.
Snapped with my iPhone. We haven't gotten the "real" photos back yet. I'm patiently waiting for them. We took photos for so long. It was almost dark when we made it to the food. It was a beautiful evening I'm sure they'll never forget. Everything turned out wonderful. A lot of hard work by a lot of people but we did it. So happy for them.
I had lunch with my son on Monday. He started his Sr. year of college last month. I'm so proud of him. He's come so far and I can't believe his college years are almost over. My purse is happy they're almost over but it's zoomed by way too fast.
With the fall semester starting so has all the fraternity events. Him and some of his "brothers". Great group of young men. I'm very happy he decided to go Greek. It has matured him immensely and taught him to be a gentleman more so than he was before.

And an update on my weight loss. The photo on the left was me in March of this year. The photo on the right is me on June 30. This was just 3 months. It's now been 5 mths but I haven't taken another photo. I'd lost 31 lbs. in this photo. I was trying to find clothes to wear. I only wear linen and all of my linen clothes are hanging off of me. I'm rolling up the waist of my pants but they're so baggy. My shirts are huge and most people can't tell I've lost any weight when I'm wearing my linen. I refuse to buy any new clothes until they fall off of me, not literally of course. lol I found these jeans and this shirt. I hadn't worn these jeans in 6 years. The last time I put them on they wouldn't button. Well they buttoned, I had no muffin top and the shirt was too baggy in the front of course. The first thing I lost in 1 week was my large abdomen or "stomach". I started with a sample pack and in just a week that was gone. That and the energy I felt hooked me. You can look at this photo and see the difference. I didn't retouch it. I don't have on makeup, I didn't even fix my hair. My bed isn't even made up. I posted it because I was so shocked when I put the two side by side. I was in shock as you can see by my look on my face in the photo on the right. I'm still going. I'm down 45 lbs. now. Yes I need to take another photo....

And this is what I'm going to be doing starting next week. After 9 years I'm going to take a refresher course to reinstate my nursing license and I'm going back to work. I'm hoping I can go back to school and get my RN degree. I'd still love to do travel nursing if I can get my hubby to retire. LOL I'm still working on that one. We will see how that goes. So since last Wednesday I've been going everyday getting fingerprinted, getting a physical, getting blood work, getting a TB test, getting books, buying scrubs, white shoes, pen light, scissors, getting vaccinations, getting more vaccinations and going tomorrow to be re certified in CPR. Almost finished with all the above and I start next Tues. night. For 6 weeks. Then I'll be done. Wish me luck....